With Spring Break just around the corner, consider the pros and cons of waxing versus shaving while you’re enjoying life somewhere warm and sunny.
Waxing is a great way to remove unwanted hair as regular treatments reduce the re-growth. You can be free from unwanted hair for longer periods of time (2-8 weeks). Unlike shaving, re-growth is fine and soft, not course and sharp. You can spend more time out and about having a wonderful vacation instead of dealing with hair removal each day.
The hair needs to be about 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch long in order for the wax to easily remove it. This would be an average of two weeks of not shaving before your appointment. Using an OTC pain reliever, like ibuprofen or tylenol, an hour before your appointment will help to alleviate discomfort during the appointment as well as afterward.
And while we’re on the topic of Spring Break and sunshine, please remember to use a daily SPF of 30 on your face. It is best if reapplied every half-hour while in direct sunlight. Who needs premature wrinkles? We want you to be healthy and happy from the inside out.
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