Body Scrub!

A body scrub is the perfect indulgence for this time of year. The sun is finally starting to come out, the layers are coming off, and the skin is beginning to show! Why not feel more radiant and luminous?

A couple of weeks ago, I saw Grace for a scrub at Zenana Spa. It was awesome! As a person who likes to spend their “extra” wellness dollars on massage, I thought of a body scrub as an extra treat. What I didn’t think about what was it was doing for my health, and how it was every bit as beneficial to my well being as a massage… maybe even more so, since I don’t receive them regularly.

During this service, Grace really went the extra mile- as she does with all of her clients. She made sure the table and room were the perfect temperature so as the scrub went on and I was wet, I didn’t get cold. She added peppermint and orange essential oils to the face cradle so I was inhaling sweet mint while on my stomach (so calming and clearing!). She gently applied the yummy coconut scrub while seamlessly answering all of my many questions. She warmed the shower for me. And, then wrapped up the service with a moisturizing treatment and “mini” massage. I felt amazing. I felt calm. My skin looked, felt, and smelt like heaven!

Why receive a body scrub? Besides because you deserve a treat, exfoliation is a key component to maintaining healthy skin and is the main purpose and benefit to a body scrub. We know that exfoliation is good for the skin, but we might not all think of how exfoliation benefits the rest of our bodies and its systems. Exfoliating the skin helps it glow, it helps remove dead skin cells and other debris, it helps prevent breakouts, it helps the skin retain its elasticity giving it a more youthful appearance. Removing debris from the skin allows light to shine through, giving your skin a more illuminant quality. Glowing skin looks and feels more healthy! By removing debris from the surface of the body, you are also aiding all of your other body systems to function more smoothly. You are moving lymph, blood, nutrients, increasing circulation- sound familiar? These are all also benefits of massage.

I talked with Grace about how regularly one should exfoliate and she said that it really depends on the skin and method of exfoliation. The ayate cloth is more gentle and can be used everyday to every other day. Other types of exfoliants should be used less often- including a scrub. The body scrub service at Zenana Spa uses a sugar scrub by Eminence. Sugar is a natural enzymatic exfoliant so it is good to use with steam or warmth to open the pores.

Mention this blog and receive 10% off a body scrub experience at Zenana Spa, an ayate cloth to exfoliate your skin, or any massage or body treatment with Grace through the rest of June! If you have any other questions about the service, refer to the the website, or shoot me an email-

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