Dream Big, Start Small by: Savannah Mayfield

As a life coach for women, I often work with clients who are ready to create positive change in their lives.

With 2010 beginning, there is a lot of buzz about New Year’s resolutions, including everything from weight loss to changing careers to finally resolving a difficult relationship challenge.

While big change is both possible and important, I usually recommend that my clients start small.

I’ll bet you already know why.

How many times have you made a resolution that you were not able to sustain? How many times have you lost weight fast and then gained it right back? Or moved across the country and then discovered you took your problems with you? Maybe you, like many other people, find yourself falling back into old patterns and bad habits all too easily.

I always encourage my clients to dream big. It is vital to be clear about where you want to go and what you want to experience. But, when it comes to action, baby steps will ultimately get you there with more grace and less effort.

Take a moment (right now) and close your eyes. Take some deep breaths and allow yourself to listen carefully inside. Allow one of your big dreams, something really important to you, to come into your awareness. Maybe you can see yourself fully experiencing this big dream. What is the very first, small step you can take in the right direction to realize it?

If you see yourself more fit and trim, maybe five more minutes of exercise per day is the just right beginning. If you see yourself happier in a new career, maybe a few minutes per day of visioning what you would love to be doing will open your creative mind to opportunities. And if that relationship challenge was resolved, imagine how much relief you would feel. Go ahead, imagine it right now.

Just feeling the relief for a moment might open your heart to seeing this person in a new way.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu

Savannah_MainSavannah Mayfield is the mama to two boys and a Life Coach and Massage Therapist for women. She is passionate about inspiring women to greater clarity and positive change in their lives. For more information, visit Nurture Life Coaching.

Savannah is holding a free women’s circle at Zenana Spa and Wellness Center: Transforming Self-Limiting Thought on January 31st from 3-4 pm.

If your inner voice often tells you that you don’t deserve time to nurture yourself, that you aren’t smart/thin/productive enough, or that you shouldn’t want something that you want, you are not alone. Most of us have learned to limit ourselves with our thinking, sometimes before we fully know ourselves and our own desires. We picked up these messages from our culture, our media, our educational system and our families. But we do have the power to shift these self-limiting thoughts.

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