It’s All About Leeks!

Spring is here and so are spring leeks, if you had the foresight to plant those leek bulbs last fall! Well, you can at least get them at your local grocery or co-op! The question is, what to do with those leeks?

Put them in a soup, saute them in your favorite oil or some butter, make leek salsa, or even tabouleh! Below are some tasty recipes for those spring leeks. Enjoy!

Tasty leek tabouleh!


What you will need:

  • 1 leek
  • 1-2 bunches of flat or curly leaf parsley
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic, peeled
  • 1c quinoa, cooked and cooled
  • 1 container of cherry tomatoes, washed and diced
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • salt and pepper to taste

Preparation: Wash the leeks and parsley and let dry thoroughly. Pulse the parsley, garlic, and leeks in a food processor until finely chopped, and thoroughly mixed. Pour that mixture in to a bowl and add the diced tomatoes, cooked and cooled quinoa, lemon and lime juice and salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly and enjoy with your favorite bread and hummus or chips!

Feeds 6-8 people

Leek and Mushroom Stir-fry! Moreloveltran

What you will need:

  • 1 leek, washed and sliced thinly
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped finely
  • 1 portabella, washed and chopped
  • handful of morals, washed and chopped
  • 1-2T of your favorite cooking oil
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • a splash of balsamic vinegar

Preparation: Heat a non-oiled frying pan over high heat until the pan is warm. Add your favorite cooking oil and coat the pan. Add all the remaining ingredients and simmer to desired texture. Add salt and pepper, a splash of balsamic vinegar, and enjoy.

Feeds 2 people

A Twisty Leeky Salsa!Tomatoes-On-The-Bush

What you will need:

  • 1 28oz can of diced tomatoes
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic, peeled
  • 1-2 Serrano Chile peppers, washed and quartered
  • 1 leek, washed and quartered
  • 1/2 green bell pepper, washed, cleaned out, and quartered

Preparation: Place the garlic, peppers, and leek in the food processor and pulse until chopped finely and well mixed. Add the can of tomatoes and pulse until everything is combined, but still a little chunky. Enjoy with your favorite tortilla chips!

Feeds 8 people

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