Massage therapy is a popular and effective way to help treat pain and mobility issues, and it’s excellent for relaxation, too. But as great as this bodywork is, it’s normal to feel nervous about your first massage. Luckily, there is plenty you can do to ensure a...
Although hormonal acne is a common concern for many teenagers and others going through hormone shifts, its impact on self-esteem and confidence can be profound. As adolescents and adults navigate this challenging phase, the search for effective acne treatments becomes...
In a world characterized by fast-paced living and constant demands, maintaining good health is more crucial than ever. Consistent movement is one of the most important pieces to your well-being, but that doesn’t mean you have to run marathons to stay fit. Practicing...
In today’s hustle culture, it’s easy to put our self-care on the back burner. There always seems to be something else taking priority. But the reality is that although it’s often dismissed or positioned as a luxury, self-care is a necessity. At Xenana Spa, we...
Massage therapy is an ancient practice that has come a long way in the Western world. Evolving techniques, availability, range of treatment options, and growing expertise have elevated massage therapy to a more proper place in mainstream medical conversations. But...
In the realm of skincare, finding the right products can feel like you’re on a treasure hunt. But often it seems as if you’re without a map to guide you to the treasure. Where is the X marking the spot? Choosing the right serum for your skin takes a little know-how...
Retinol has ruled the skincare world for decades. A synthetic derivative of vitamin A, retinol has a reputation for its ability to address many skin concerns. However, it also comes with a lot of warnings and potential side effects. Luckily, there’s a (not really) new...
Pregnancy is an AMAZING time, AND definitely comes with a lot of body changes. The infamous pregnancy glow is very common, but shifting hormones can also bring unique skincare issues. As pregnant people look for ways to take care of themselves, they often ask, “Are...
Informed consent is a critical component of all medical care. From Western medical doctors to physical therapists, providers must follow best practices to ensure patients clearly understand their treatment options before approving the plan. But what is informed...
While more and more people are discovering the joy of yoga, many still wonder if it’s right for them. At Xenana Spa, we wholeheartedly believe it is right for anyone! Although it’s easy to see how yoga brings flexibility and relaxation, there are several other...
Relax side-by-side with your sweetie or bestie in our candle-lit studio. Features a 90-minute massage, glass of something bubbly, Missionary Chocolates, and a facial kit for you to take home.