Baby’s First Herbal Bath

by Dr. Alice Palmeri, ND

When your baby is new to the world you want to do your best to provide protection and nurture them the best you can. Newborns are introduced from the very sterile environment of the womb to one with lots of germs. Germs can be good sometimes, but newborn skin is not yet fully equipped with defenses needed to help fight off bacteria. Baby’s skin can also be prone to newborn acne because they still have mom’s hormones circulating in their systems.
Newborn skin can benefit from a bath infused with gentle herbs such as lavender and calendula. These bath herbs can help to soothe and clean skin while also providing gentle antibacterial properties. The warm water also helps baby to feel comforted and promotes a restful sleep.   Il Fullxfull.989183441 | Xenana Spa | Portland Oregon
Learn about and make your own herbal baby bath and how to naturally prepare herbs to heal from labor and birth. Zenana Spa and Wellness Center will be offering a new herbal workshop where participants will take home their very own herbal teas, baths or tinctures. Herbal Remedies: Pregnancy & Postpartum class will be offered April 10th and 17th.

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