Nervous About Your First Massage? 5 Tips To Feel Ready

Massage therapy is a popular and effective way to help treat pain and mobility issues, and it’s excellent for relaxation, too. But as great as this bodywork is, it’s normal to feel nervous about your first massage. Luckily, there is plenty you can do to ensure a successful first appointment.

At Xenana Spa in Portland, OR, our massage therapists are eager to help you feel your very best. And we absolutely understand that people can feel a little worried the first time they receive a massage. We’re ready to go at your pace as you find healing and renewed mobility through massage. Contact us with any questions, or go ahead and book your appointment through our online portal.

5 Tips If You Feel Nervous About Your First Massage

Receiving a massage for the first time or from a new therapist can feel a little intimidating. But to fully enjoy and benefit from your treatment, there are some things you can do to prepare. Here are our top tips to follow when you feel nervous about getting a massage.

1. Pay attention to timing.

Nervous About Your First Massage? Make Sure To Allow Plenty Of Time Before An Dafter So You Don'T Feel Rushed.

Massage should be a rejuvenating, refreshing, healing experience. But if you’re racing in the door or racing back out again for your next commitment, it can be difficult to relax enough to enjoy all the benefits.

To help yourself feel calm and ready to receive your treatment, try to follow these suggestions:

  • Schedule your appointment when you have time before and after so that you don’t have to rush. (Side note: take advantage of any offered appointment reminders so that you aren’t charged for a missed appointment!)
  • Fill out your intake forms before the day of your appointment. Most places will send forms electronically for you to fill out ahead of time.
  • Arrive about five minutes early to your appointment so that you have time to use the bathroom or get a drink of water before starting your massage.

2. Stay hydrated.

Massage therapists always push hydration before and after your appointment. Hydrated muscles are less rigid and easier for your LMT to work on during your massage, making your time more effective. 

It’s important to start hydrating the day before rather than chugging a bunch of water right before your scheduled massage. This way, your body is well-prepared to receive treatment without you having an uncomfortably full bladder halfway through your appointment! Be sure to also drink a lot of water after your massage to help your body flush out toxins the massage may release.

Image Of Woman In Her Kitchen Drinking A Glass Of Water.

3. Be prepared and willing to communicate.

An amazing massage comes from a collaboration between the massage therapist and the client. This begins with your LMT checking in with you to see how your body is feeling as they design a session to meet your needs.

Being honest before and during your massage is crucial to a good result. Many clients feel reluctant to say something if they need their therapist to make an adjustment during the session. For example, if you feel that you need more or less pressure during a treatment, you have every right to say something. This is your time. Massage therapists are very receptive to feedback and happy to accommodate you within their capabilities.    

4. Remember that your comfort and well-being are top priorities.

Because massage can feel so vulnerable, many people avoid it altogether, missing out on so many benefits. If you feel nervous about your first massage, keep in mind that you are in the driver’s seat and have the right to ask for what you need or to stop anything that makes you uncomfortable. 

Image Of Woman Providing Professional Massage.

The process of informed consent in massage is critical to successful treatment. Here are some things to remember as you have your first massage session:

  • You can undress as much or as little as you are comfortable with doing.
  • You can ask your LMT to tell you before they move to a new area of your body. If you prefer less talking, that’s ok, too.
  • You can ask your LMT to avoid specific areas of your body if needed.

5. Be open to something new.

Pain in our bodies can show up in surprising places. And where we feel the pain might not be where the cause is. During your massage, your therapist may work on a different part of your body than where you feel discomfort. Be receptive to their expertise, but remember that you can always ask questions, get clarification, and advocate for your needs. 

First Massage? Xenana Is Here for You

Whether you are new to massage or simply new to Xenana Spa, our team is ready to help you feel fantastic. With massage, facial treatments, and yoga classes, Xenana aims to treat and support the whole person. We invite you to book your time with us today.

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