Kale Chips!

If you are like me, this time of year you have an abundance of kale growing in that lovely garden of yours. Probably more than you know what to do with. Try this tasty alternative to potato or other fried chips. They are yummy, crispy, salty, and nutritious!

What you will need:


Preheat your oven to 300. Chop kale and remove any of the really thick portions of the stem. Toss lightly with olive oil- too much oil will make the chips soggy. Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste and if you are so inclined the seaweed gomasio. Place the kale on a baking sheet in a single and thin layer- do not double up the layers, the chips will not get crisp! Bake for about 20 minutes or until crispy. Enjoy!

Try out other variations as well- add freshly chopped garlic, lemon juice, chili powder, cumin, or nutritional yeast as toppings. Let us know what your favorite flavorings are!

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