What Happens During a Lactation Consultation?

Each consultation is customized to meet the needs of the particular family, however every consultation includes certain features:

  • A thorough health and birth history of both mother and baby
  • A naked weight of the baby
  • An evaluation of baby’s tongue, palate, suck, and milk intake
  • An evaluation of mother’s breasts, milk supply, positioning and latch, and any other or struggles
  • A question and answer period tailored to the needs of the family
  • A customized written care plan that includes a plan for follow up
  • A physician’s report, when appropriate
  • Free tickets to our weekly breastfeeding support group

Many mothers assume that if they are not having any trouble with breastfeeding, they wouldn’t need to see a lactation consultant.   But most families have many questions even when things are going well.  Transitions also bring up new questions, at any stage in parenting.

Some of the transitions that can affect breastfeeding in the first two years might be:

  • Mother returning to work
  • Milk supply adjustment at about 90 days postpartum
  • Baby getting first teeth
  • Baby ready to start solids
  • Baby sleeping longer at night
  • Nursing patterns changing as baby grows
  • Plateaus in weight gain after 4 months of age
  • Return of menstrual cycle and possible pregnancy or younger sibling
  • Weaning

A lactation consultation, or at the minimum, phone counseling with a lactation consultant, can be helpful at any stage of breastfeeding, simply for reassurance, assistance with resources, and support.  Call Zenana Spa Lactation Services  at (503) 232-BABY. Our consultants are also available during business hours for free telephone counseling and support, which can sometimes be sufficient for a variety of breastfeeding questions.

Also, consider attending a  Breastfeeding Support Group for ongoing support, free baby weight checks or general questions.

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