Breastfeeding Support for ALL

Village | Xenana Spa | Portland OregonIn honor of Oregon Washington Lactation Association (OWLA)and Northwest Mothers Milk Bank (NWMMB)’s upcoming ‘The Scientific and Evidence Base for Skin-to-skin Contact’, on May 31st, 2013 we wanted to open up the floor for you to share your breastfeeding stories here. Whether you love, hate, or didn’t get the chance to breastfeed we want to hear your stories and offer a place of support. Sometimes just writing your feelings down and offering them out into world is all you need to find the support you may not have even known you needed. So, go ahead and share away in our comment section!

If you haven’t yet had the chance to join Meg Stalnaker for our Breastfeeding Support Group Wednesdays at the Studio from 12:00-1:30pm we invite you to join in and physically by supported by an experienced lactation consultant and other women who are also going through the trials and tribulations of breastfeeding.

This link offers up a long list of people who can be your support system throughout breastfeeding – as they say it takes a village.

Whether its here in the virtual world or in person anyone offering their story should be supported and acknowledged for sharing their story. In response to others please only give positive comments. Thank you.

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