By Dr. Liz Wallace, ND, LAc
May is the month to celebrate mothers. We start the month off with May Day, celebrating the end of winter and welcome of blooming flowers and fertility~ mothers. May 1st is also International Workers Day or Labour Day~ mothers. Who works harder 24 hours a day without monetary pay? Although we may sometimes feel like a slave to our homes and family, our wages are paid in something more precious then money or gold; we get paid in love and accomplishment. The job of mothering is the most important job we will ever do. And so once a year, the rest of the world stands aside to honor our mothering. We receive flowers, jewelry, a massage, but my question to you is; do you really know how to receive?
As St. Francis of Assisi eloquently stated, “For it is in the giving that we receive.” So then I ask myself, why do I and so many other women come into my clinic, exhausted? The answer is that we have forgotten how to truly receive. In every outward movement, whether it is a motion from your body or a thought from your mind, there is always a part of you moving out into the world at the same time that a part of the world is coming back to you. A hug is the simplest example. When in a true embrace you are enveloping another in your love, while receiving the gift at the same time. This requires a new coordination that we all need to practice.
A few tips to learn how to truly receive:
- The next time someone gives you a compliment, take a moment to accept the words without diminishment. Simply say, “Thank you.”
- At you next massage or acupuncture treatment (or whatever service you seek for nourishment), allow yourself to feel the welcome touch. Notice your mind wander to other people or things and bring it back to you.
- Decrease stress in your life so that you are aware when the opportunity to receive is at hand. This is a big one, so click this link for more tools on this subject.
- When taking your daily supplements, imagine your body receiving the nutrients.
- Give a hug each day to practice the balance of giving while receiving.
Most importantly, remember that you are worthy of receiving. The world would not be the same without you. If you allow yourself to welcome a compliment, others may notice a new gesture of reception and practice the balance themselves. And who knows, maybe we can start celebrating Mothers’ Day, every day.
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